unidad metabólica



Calle Benito Juárez #2, local 5, esquina San Luis Potosí, Colonia Centro.


Teléfono: 6621095364


Correo electrónico: contacto@unidadmetabolica.com


Somos una unidad de alta especialidad comprometida en prevenir y tratar laobesidad y/o enfermedades metabólicas para mejorar la calidad de vida de nuestros pacientes a través de un acompañamiento oportuno, atención integral y multidisciplinaria en un entorno de cordialidad y respeto.

Escríbenos, en breve nos
pondremos en contacto contigo.

Telephone Directory

Main Hospital Number: 718-000-000

Admitting: 718-000-000


Billing: 718-000-000


Bone & Joint Center (Orthopedics): 718-000-000


Caregiver 24-Hour Hotline: 718-000-000


Case Management / Social Work: 718-000-000


Children’s Hospital (Pediatrics): 718-000-000


Medical Records: 718-000-000


Patient Information: 718-000-000

Call Center

Call: 718-000-000


24/7, RNs connect you with specialists


Doctor’s Office to Hospital


Hospital to Hospital


All service lines accepted

Patient Concerns & Complaints

We are dedicated to providing quality health care to patients of all faiths and backgrounds. If you have a concern regarding the care received, we encourage you to report it to your attending physician, or you may contact our Patient Relations Department. 


One of our contact agents will make sure to record your concern and address it properly. Once we have investigated internally your case, we will contact you back for information and further agreements.